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Resource List


  • Cleaning Durable Medical Equipment with a Hub Scrub Machine (VIDEO)

    It is common for many reuse programs to accept gently used equipment that need to be cleaned. There are several methods to sterilize an used equipment. A hub scrub is a large washing machine that cleans Durable Medical Equipment (DME). Jesse Avila Jr. from the Convalescent Aid Society (CAS) demonstrates how a hub scrub machine functions to clean wheelchairs, shower chairs, and other durable medical equipment.

    Website Address:
  • Ability Tools

    The Ability Tools website works to increase independence for all Californians by promoting assistive technology services and resources. You can find a wealth of information on topics related to assistive technology. Some resources include Law and Advocacy, Finding AT, Funding AT, and Trainings.

    Website Address:
  • AT Exchange

    The AT Exchange is a free service of the Ability Tools for all Californians to find new and gently used AT devices and gadgets to enable them to live independently. You can sell and/or give away used devices, place want ads for needed devices, and borrow devices to try from the 13 Device Lending Libraries throughout the state.

    Website Address:
  • AT Reuse Policy Brief

    Over 6.8 million Californians lack health insurance and millions more are underinsured, making it very difficult or impossible for them to obtain needed durable medical equipment (DME) and assistive technology (AT) to improve and maintain their health and independence.

    Download PDF: AT-Reuse-Policy-Brief-revC-051812-web.pdf
  • Pass It On Center

    The Pass It On Center, the National Assistive Technology Device Reutilization Coordination and Technical Assistance Center, was established to advance AT reuse practices and networking among AT Reuse programs. The website allows you to find reuse locations nationally and includes a knowledge base with resources on AT reuse topics, webinars, emergency management, and finding AT.

    Website Address:

David H.

“It makes it easier to get around like going to the mall and going for walks with my kids.”